2/7/2023 Replay:Tooth Spacing, Spoil Board Template, Understanding 3D Planes, Router Hole Location, Resizing Projects, Optimizing Fourth Axis Feeds and Speeds, Loading Clip Art, Multi-Part Jig Setup.

Question Timestamps in this Q&A:

  • 00:00:00 - Intro
  • 00:00:29 - Is there efficient way of repeating the tooth? I've created one tooth segment and I've tried to copy and paste it, but it's very cumbersome to get the next segment to be exactly spaced. I'm pretty new to VCarve and designing.
  • 00:11:12 - I do a lot of two-sided projects and I'm constantly, constantly drilling holes into my spoil board for reference when I flip the project over. Is there a way to create a file specific area on my spoil board that I can create new projects in, like a template or something? I usually use three holes for references.
  • 00:43:30 - So he wants to take spoon model and make two spoons with a larger piece of wood. When I duplicate one side and move it, the other side doesn't come up with it.
  • 00:54:56 - Can you walk through while you're on this the modeling plane and those different planes and explain that a little bit further to us on 3D
  • 01:12:52 - Do you, can you remember if you do a lesson on like acrylic and LED lights and that kind of stuff?
  • 01:21:11 - When I layout a arcade game board circle I have problems with location. I mic the hole to be really close. Home my router and center on the board to cut. When I start the router goes to wrong place to cut hole. Is this because the holes in the setup are off bottom left corner?
  • 01:23:10 - Is there way to continue a project if, say, if you lost the power or something to go back to the same spot or like, or continue if you got stopped in a certain place, could you go back and start, start from that place again?
  • 01:25:07 - Once you have a project set up, VCarve Pro double-Sided project with 3D model and toolpaths created, is there an easy way to change the size of the project and keep everything else intact?
  • 01:31:53 - Still beginning on fourth axis. Today I ran a rounding tool path and it took between two to three hours for a nine inch long project, 1.82 diameter with using a quarter inch ball nose. It came out fine, but it seems like there needs to be a change in cut depth feed rate.I did notice the chip load number, but it was shaving off powder instead of chips. Right now I'm using a feed rate of 40 inches per minute, which I'd expect in the way of time to finish this simple project
  • 01:41:32 - I downloaded your panel pack and can't figure out how to download them into Vetirc 11.5. Can you show how to load them into my clip art folder?
  • 01:45:23 - Planning projects that are 2 sided and I want to cut 3 or more at a time (save on bit change and set up time). And I will repeat the process. So is best way to create a jig where parts are placed in same location each time then train CNC to locate 3 parts, must be accurate size going in jig or flipping won’t align perfect. Or make part a template then when doing multiple parts just fake material job size bigger and nest multiples to known locations on larger job size?
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