I keep running into an issue with these stair step looking , I think it may be, because I'm resizing the model on import and stretching the model causing stair step effect. I have the render quality to maximum and my toolpath preview quality set the highest as well. It does cut exactly as it looks in the screen. From the Toolpath preview and Aspire.

I keep running into an issue with these stair step looking , I think it may be, because I'm resizing the model on import and stretching the model causing stair step effect. I have the render quality to maximum and my toolpath preview quality set the highest as well. It does cut exactly as it looks in the screen. From the Toolpath preview and Aspire.

The answer to this student question can be viewed in the 1/26/2023 Q&A Meetup at the 00:29:50 timestamp(must be logged in to watch).

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